Saturday, October 28, 2006

Horror Fest Day Two: Slither

We got off to a really late start (great party though), and as a result nobody had energy to watch more than one movie, so we decided to give Slither the glory slot.

Slither is the kind of movie that I figured they just couldn't make these days; yes, it's little bit like Evolution, but the gross factor is amped way up... think Monster Squad meets Night of the Demons, with a little bit of Squirm for good measure.

This is a space slug movie, but just as quickly it becomes a zombie movie, and then throws in some From Beyond shit near the end, but all the while keeping the funny in healthy doses, thanks in large part to the cast. Nathan Fillion, Elizabeth Banks, Gregg Henry, Jenna Fischer, and Michael Rooker are there to deliver good one liners (especially Fillion) but it never strikes you as "Wink wink" stuff, just something their character would do or say.

It has some strange parallels with Feast, due mostly to their mutual fascination with alien bodily fluids, but it plays to a much more conventional structure than the "anything goes" Feast. This movie could easily play in a double feature with something like Real Genius or Killer Klowns from Outer Space (well, what movie can't play in a double feature with Killer Klowns?)

At any rate, if you like your gross-out a little less gratuitous and your humour a little more balanced, check out Slither. It's a nice throwback to eighties horror comedies, and isn't quite as anarchic as Feast. Not better or worse, just different.

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