Monday, October 29, 2007

Horror Fest Wrap Up

The Official Horror Fest of 2007 is now over, although I might try to sneak in movies that didn't make it over the next few days, homework permitting.

The fest itself was a hell of a lot of fun, and went into the wee hours of the morning Friday and Saturday (as those of you reading the posts probably noticed). There was some Haunted House activity and some dueling parties on Saturday, but mostly we watched a lot of horror, and a lot of different kinds of horror.

Highlights included Black Sheep (perhaps the biggest hit of the fest), Night of the Lepus (for its many MST3K inducing moments), The Descent (which earned the first "jump" scare), Planet Terror (which did exactly what it was supposed to do in theatres last April), From Beyond (because I hadn't seen it before) and yes, "Move Your Dead Bones" by Doctor Re-Animator, which became the unofficial anthem of Horror Fest 07.

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