Saturday, May 2, 2009

Late Nights with the Cap'n

It's a not very well kept secret that the Cap'n is a night owl. Whenever possible, I intentionally schedule classes around the ability to stay up late the night before. I can be perfectly functional during the day if necessary but my preferred hours of operation are well after sunset.

Since not many people are interested in keeping similar schedules (what with job restrictions or a general interest in sleeping), I tend to rely on movies to keep me company. Since summer is rapidly approaching and its not easy to sleep anyway, having a nice selection of dvds on hand is just what the Doctor (or, in this case, Cap'n) ordered.

Contrary to popular belief, I don't always watch horror movies or even "bad" movies. In the last few nights, I've hunkered down with the likes of Back to the Future Part 2, Videodrome, Grey Gardens, and Simon of the Desert. I'm not sure what I'll watch tonight but I like to save horror movies and "bad" movies for festival-like atmospheres. Other night owl-inclined folk have already been asking for another marathon between now and The Greensboro Summer Fest Massacre Part 2, so I might have to cook something up. Stay posted for details as they emerge.

I've been ridiculously verbose in the last few days, so I'm going to keep tonight short and rather low-key. What I did want to mention briefly is perhaps the only time I've been surprised by the Rob Zombie fanatics (or maybe just fans. Let's be nice and include fans as well), particularly those that liked Halloween.

Am I the only person who doesn't hate this "Sheri Moon-Zombie as Evil Ghost Mom Spirit" that urges Michael to keep killing? Don't get me wrong, it's totally retarded. Yet, I figure in this world of "fuck it, let's make the Halloween remakes retarded" that this development just seals the deal. It's so stupid that I kind of like it. Not really enough to see H2, but it amuses me that this was the straw that broke the camel's back on the internet. Not the Weird Al cameo, not the "Hobo Michael", not even the fake-out Halloween II hospital massacre sequence. If Rob Zombie wants to pull a Pamela Vorhees for his franchise reboot, and he wants to make it look as ridiculous as Sheri Moon-Zombie looks in that trailer, I say go for it. At this point he could have Bozo the Clown show up and I wouldn't be surprised.

That's about all I have to say about H2. Like the first one I'm sure that I'll end up seeing it on dvd some time next year and like the first one I probably won't like it. What I'm more interested in is seeing how people who liked the first one react to this one. Will they reject a movie that looks (on paper) to be balls out ridiculous? Or will they love it? Time will tell.

Okay, I'm off to watch... something. I don't know. It's hot in here and I can't sleep when it's hot, so now that I've finished season one of Dexter I need to find a new vice, cinematic or television-wise.

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