Saturday, May 16, 2009

Summer Plans

Things were very quiet for the Cap'n today. With all school business officially over with until next Wednesday* and no running around for graduation related stuff**, I hit a "now what?" wall today. Usually I'll pop in a movie or something but instead the AOS was without much noise and/or funk today. If I really get on it, I might watch Taken before I go to sleep but it can just as easily wait for tomorrow.

Because this is hardly the kind of interesting content that you all expect from the Blogorium, I turn from today and look forward to the summer. There are a few ideas I'd like to kick around and perhaps this summer is the time to expand marathons, film festivals, and other ways to entertain you good people.

Let's toss some suggestions out, shall we?

- The Greensboro Summer Fest Massacre Part 2 is tentatively scheduled for the weekend of July 3rd (the 4th of July is that Saturday) so mark you calendars. If many of you have scheduling conflicts, I can move it one week in either direction but would prefer to keep it close to the beginning of July.
Summer Fest will include 3-D Night, a potential "Sequel Night" and if there's something really worth leaving the house for, another field trip. At the current time I'm entertaining the following movies: The Werewolf vs the Vampire Woman, Friday the 13th Part 3 (in 3-D), My Bloody Valentine 3-D, Prowler, Chopping Mall, Dog Soldiers, Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, and Uncle Sam.
I'm looking for horror/comedies or horror films which are fun to watch in groups (ala Army of Darkness of Killer Klowns from Outer Space), so if you have suggestions I welcome them. Right now it's leaning a little "slasher" heavy so I'd like to throw in some comic relief. I might even dust off Night of the Lepus if there's sufficient interest.

- In addition to the usual horror festival, I've been getting requests for other "film" nights or marathons, so if folks would like me to set up something regular - like a weekly "movie" night or double feature - the Cap'n would certainly be willing to do that. I'm all about introducing people to new movies and they certainly don't have to be horror or cult films.

- Since I'm seriously considering working on this "adaptation as replacement" idea for a thesis in graduate school, I would like to see more "successful" and "unsuccessful" adaptations / remakes in order to get a better statement of purpose. What is the significance of Hollywood's current trend of cannibalizing itself? Is it simply the transferring from one medium to another (books to film, film to tv show, etc) that causes the need for disavowal?
If anyone would like to go see Star Trek, I should be able to by next weekend, and I am curious about what (if anything) its success is having on the way new fans relate to previous iterations that the film draws from.

- More Doctor Who nights. I swear. I'm also throwing down the gauntlet for other Who fans out there to organize their own nights! Get me out of the house!

- MST3K Night. I've been promising one forever, and now that I have almost everything available (and a lot of tapes of shows that aren't), there's no time like the present!

- If they're really worth going to, drag me out to these "Mixtape" film screenings. I'm sorry I missed Blue Velvet and I'm not really interested in Transformers: The Movie but the Cap'n is truthfully not as involved in the local film "scene" as I should be.

- Finding out about more movies. Heard of a good one? Let me know.

- We need to find a drive-in nearby and see something there. This is a GROUP activity, gang!

Those are currently my very loose summer plans. While I am taking summer classes, they should not be a horrible burden on time and I am keen on your feedback. There are any number of other things we can do, and I know you're full of good ideas, so make with the commenting.

Finally, I'm going to put a poll up every week asking what movie I should watch next. I'll throw a lot of available options up there, including movies I might not normally watch. Anyone can vote, and whatever movie wins will get a review the following week, so VOTE!

Right now I believe The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Who Are You, Polly Magoo? are tied. You have three more days to vote, I believe, so choose my next movie!

* Summer classes, one of which is online.
** Not mine.

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