Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Video Daily Double!

As I slowly parse my way through Halloween II, the Cap'n continues to notice interesting things that slipped away between the last viewing and this one. I'll have a proper review up soon, along with a "wish list" of plot points from the original sequel I'd hope to see in Rob Zombie's H2.

In the meantime, I haven't watched too much. Last night was devoted to writing a take home exam. It should have been five pages tops but somehow I ended up with seven pages plus a title page and "Works Cited". Since I finished it around six a.m. last night, I'm a mite groggy.

What I do have to offer, in lieu of anything informative or critically challenging, are two videos I saw on Monday, both of which should be amusing to readers. The first involves Star Trek, and the second is another "TV Edit" that takes a well known line and makes it better in an inexplicably silly way.

Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'
I'm not going to lie; this is funny because of just how true it is.


This is amazing. It's up their with The Big Lebowski's "Find a Stranger in the Alps" clip.

Parse through that bad boy if you can. Either part of his "new" speech would be more interesting than the entirety of Snakes on a Plane, but the first one particularly.

Because I'm such a nice guy, he's the "Feed a Stoner Scrambled Eggs" Lebowski clip. I suppose this makes it a video daily triple.

I promise to return with something substantive tomorrow, as this entry would clearly not make it into a book.

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