Friday, May 22, 2009

What if You Threw a Doctor Who Party and No One Showed Up?

The Votes are in, and it looks like I'll be watching...

Star Trek!

This means I'll have to go see it tomorrow, since I'm working on Sunday. It's still strange to me that having NOT seen a Star Trek movie makes you lame all of a sudden. What bizarro planet did I wake up in?

Kudos to all who voted for Who Are You, Polly Magoo? and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and also to Cranpire who is the only person I could imagine would vote for Ghoulies IV. Don't worry, I'll get to all of them soon enough.

I'll put up a new poll tomorrow for you to vote one, but be warned that I'm going to be using a very loose definition of what makes up a "day" now that the Cap'n works until midnight.


In honor of Star Trek's win, I submit the following:


Just so I could say I watched something Terminator related (sorry, I'm not watching Salvation), I popped in the original film last night and watched part of it before bed. In light of Terminator 2: Judgment Day and the other sequels
*, I'd forgotten just how low budget the first film was. I mean that in a good way, however; it limits how much of the future James Cameron could show, and he still gets a lot of mileage out of the big "set piece" involving Kyle Reese and the Hunter-Killers.

It's really hard to say if the increased budget in successive films helped the Terminator series. To be fair, Arnold's makeup can look a little dodgy late into the first film, but there's something endearing about a movie co-produced by Orion Studios (now out of business) and Hemdale (the same company that co-produced Return of the Living Dead.) Cameron works like crazy with what he has, and I'm not sure that the leap upward to Judgment Day carries the same independent spirit that The Terminator does.


There should, theoretically, be a Doctor Who Party going on right now but no one has yet decided to arrive. I think Neil said he'd be here around 9, so that leaves everybody else the option of being fashionably late I guess. In the meantime it's a good excuse to get some homework done, since I think it needs to be turned in by midnight. I think.

* that's really all they merit when discussing Terminator-related business.

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