Saturday, June 20, 2009

Slacktacular without the Linklater Dialogue.

This is going to sound like a total cop-out, and in some ways it is, but the blogorium is going to be a little quiet for the next week while your Cap'n is packing up the AOS in preparation for moving. Where? Not sure. When? Next Friday. There's a lot of packing to do, and when you're working full time and taking summer classes it doesn't leave me with much time to do it.

I hate stepping away from the writing because I take great pride in being able to write every day, even if not all of it is the best. We're going to look at this time off as a hiccup and not something indicative of being away for long stretches of time.

With that being said, I really need to pack while I can. I'm going to put some "classic" pieces from the Myspace days up for all of next week and will try to pop in periodically on top of that with updates, particularly regarding Summer Fest which is going ahead NO MATTER WHAT. The posts, in honor of the pending Horror Festival, will be themed accordingly, with a handful of reviews and at least one piece on why some things need to be seen on the big screen.


So I'm not leaving you with nothing, here's a goodie from the vaults:

I Escaped from the Planet of the Apes and All You Get is This Lousy Blog

AMC, formerly a movie channel worth watching (that'd be before they switched to censoring and commercial breaks during movies) is running at least one of those Planet of the Apes films, but if I remember correctly this is their annual marathon. This is not dissimilar to the Sci Fi Channel's "it's a random holiday so here's The Twilight Zone" marathon which could very well be on tv before you know it. Nothing says Arbor Day like Rod Serling...

I kid though; I dig the zone and have ten different tapes from two separate marathons plus the first three seasons on dvd to prove it. And the first season of Night Gallery, even if the following seasons may never see the light of dvd (it has been like two years, Universal... I'm just saying is all)

Hopefully you're sober enough to be reading this. Personally speaking, the night time cold medicine is now kicking in so I'm feeling a little sleeptacular. Chris Hansen is entrapping perverts in the other room (clearly this means my apartment is being used for a Dateline investigation... did I not mention that?) so the time to choose something to zonk out to is nigh. Not Con Air again; nothing personal against Con Air (perhaps one of the guiltiest of guilty pleasures a person can have) but I sat through the dumbest possible set up for the film one more time last night, and as much as I enjoy seeing Steve Buscemi play Hannibal Lecter and all of the other ridiculous shit that flick has to offer, I need to stay firmly planted in 2007 as films go. There's still much to be done.

Speaking of which, I'll go ahead and give you hints about what's coming tomorrow from Netflix: Number 1) A film only one person I know has seen, and he hated it. Number 2) A movie no one I know saw but all the critics hated it. Number 3) a movie someone I know failed to bring to horror fest, but he claimed it was worth watching. A co-worker vouched for this. Two of them are certainly "taking it for the team" movies, and that doesn't begin to consider watching the theatrical and director's cut of a movie I'd just as soon never see remade. But this is what it takes to be (pretty) comprehensive, and I'm sure as shit not watching Transformers.

Oh, and none of those movies are War. Speaking of which, Jason Statham seems not to be deeply concerned with what roles he chooses, because he's in not one, but two movies coming out next year by directors I've sworn not to mention until 2009. One involves dungeons and another involves races and death. Such a pity coming from the man who made Crank. Don't look at me like that...

I'm trying not to write a blog tonight based on anything else I saw online, and I'm not cheating with the Statham because a certain ad involving him is appearing on television, which reminded me of the other movie. However, I will borrow liberally from the book of Cranford because he did ask a very logical question:

"How exactly is The Road Warrior an AMERICAN Movie Classic?"

Well spoken, Mr. C. Well spoken.

so pretty much that's all that's going on. Jackass 2.5 is pretty short. Maybe I'll watch that. What could be more terrifying (oh, maybe butchering John Carpenter's legacy worse than he already has *coughGHOSTSOFMARScough*) I'm feeling woozy, not classy, so Paris Je T'aime is out. Wipe out the crap of 2007 with a real winner, that's what I'm gonna do.

Stop reading this while you're driving! We both know you're drunk.

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