Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A.O.S. meets A.D.B.

Welcome to the last new Blogorium entry for the next two or three days. After tonight, I shut down electronics and other jazz in order to get a-moving. Through a series of strange events, it appears I'm moving into an honest to goodness Horror Film House.

It won't make tons of sense until I upload the pictures, but let's have a run through the movie that will be my life for the next twelve months:

extremely spacious rooms, many with hidden closets, compartments, or passageways.

a stairway that leads to the totally uninhabited, needs-tons-of-work "zombie" apartment which is, let's put it this way, something only I can get to.

the kitchen. oh jesus, the kitchen...

a basement which, in addition to just looking creepy, also has - for no apparent reason - a set of knives sitting in the middle of the floor, and what looks like a "kill area" off to the side. I am not making this up.

ample places where random pieces of cord are just... hanging.

a neighbor I cannot see, hear, or directly contact from inside the apartment.

one wall which has... I guess the only way to put it is a wall halfway covered in mirrors. many of the mirrors are dissolving. from the inside. a perfect sign of the horrible monster that's going to come through and swallow my soul in the next year.

long corridors and, to be honest, a lot of quiet. this apartment is going to be a nightmare when the "settling in" noises kick in, because I'm pretty sure those will have a demon or psycho killer attached to them.

We may not even need to film a horror movie in there (although it's already being discussed), because the newly coined "Apartment that Dripped Blood" is everything you'd expect in a scary movie. Hell, I'm scared, and the Cap'n is already back in the good old Apartment of Solitude.

Horror Fest is going to be better than ever. I can promise it. Space will no longer be an issue, parking won't be an issue, and comfort will be easily established. You'll see. Very soon, you'll see.


When I get back, I'll explain why the Cap'n is going to have much more time to post actual reviews and longer pieces, especially after August 6th. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing what you think of the vintage pieces, many of which have not been seen in some time...

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