Monday, July 27, 2009


Tomorrow is a ridiculous day, even if you packed up your Blu-Ray player and your fancy tv. Upon the advice of, well, most of you, the Cap'n will cave in and pick up the Complete Battlestar Galactica on slippery-disc.

I can't say as I'll be watching it right away, so don't expect me to frantically text you "frakkin this" or "frakking that", but when virtually everyone I know tells me I NEED to watch this show, I'll bite. It seems easier (and cheaper) just to get the whole damn thing in one fell swoop and watch it, and then I'll appease the rest of you by looking into The Wire, Deadwood, Carnivale, Dexter, 30 Rock, the American Office, Dollhouse, Dead Like Me, and maybe even Pushing Daisies, if and only if I can cram all of them into the next six weeks.

But Battlestar Galactica isn't the only thing coming out tomorrow. Oh no. The Torchwood mini-series, Children of Earth, is arriving with positive reviews placing it alongside the much better second season (also hitting BD tomorrow). There's an okay-but-not-great Doctor Who special, Planet of the Dead, on dvd and Blu-Ray, a stateside version of 12 Monkeys (with The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of 12 Monkeys), Blue Underground's release of Torso, the aforementioned Dollhouse - which is actually getting a second season - and to top it all off, Roman Polanski's Repulsion gets the double-whammy: Criterion and Blu-Ray treatment. Yeesh!

And for the Netflix queue, the UK Life on Mars finally arrives here, hoping to clear the stink away from its bastardized American remake. Oh, and I guess Fast and Furious. I haven't seen any of the others, so it's a non-starter for me. Maybe it's your thing though.


I'm really torn about how much time - if any - I want to leave between parting ways with work and the beginning of the fall semester. While the blogorium doesn't necessarily reflect it, the Cap'n has had anything but a "quiet" two-and-a-half months. While my departure from work is not necessarily permanent (I hope to return for the holidays but that may not be tenable, meaning my time in used book store land may be nearing a close) I would really like some time to settle into the new as yet to be named apartment and to catch up on a few things. Not just movies, since I seriously need to bone up on German and study for the GRE, not to mention look for Grad School programs.

Still, some kind of break (any kind of break) is needed. I just don't know if I want to leave early August or mid-August. They're about to start a major CD recovery project, and if I can't commit full-bore, I'd rather get out of the way sooner rather than later. Damn...


For those of you setting you calendars waaaay ahead, Horror Fest is most definitely going to be Halloween weekend. The 31st falls on a Saturday, but my classes are structured so as to make a Thursday to Sunday fest once again viable. If you can pencil in the 29th-Nov 1st, do so now. I have some great stuff in the works, especially since this will be the Final Halloween Horror Fest in the 'boro.

On a final note, because things are a bit shifty in terms of moving, I may not have internet up until next Monday, so just in case I'll put up some vintage posts. One of them will be a personal favorite: an illustrated essay about why remaking Escape from New York is a bad idea. It's a little dated, since I wrote it when Gerard Butler was slated to play Snake, but I am fond of the piece. I think you'll like it too.


  1. Speaking of Distractions and Horror Fest, Cap'n, have you ever heard of this?

    Would love a CHB review!

  2. Sadly, the Cap'n has seen The Room. Review here:

    We're not certain, but I have a sneaking suspicion the "anonymous" commenter may be none other than Tommy Wiseau...
