Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Fest Day One: My Bloody Valentine 3-D

The good news about My Bloody Valentine 3-D is that it's a movie you can talk through and not miss anything AT ALL. We did, because it was clear pretty early in the proceedings that this film was not worth investing too deeply into.

Essentially this remake sticks to the original film, only making two serious changes: 1) most of the kills are by pickaxe this time, and 2) the "twist" ending goes in the other direction, so that the character you're expecting to be the killer is now the good guy and vice versa. Neither of those are necessarily good things for this movie, since the writing and acting are so bad that you don't feel compelled to care about anybody.

That leaves the 3-D component as the big selling point, and I suppose it delivers on some level. Maybe it was because my TV is not a movie screen, maybe it's because the director just doesn't utilize the gimmick as much as he should, but MBV3D is ultimately a bit "meh" on the 3-D front. Sure, it looks nice, especially in the woods or anywhere with a bit of depth, but the kills only occasionally stand out and for long stretches it's like any other movie, just a little more "dimensional".

In all honesty, we were pretty bored by this movie and I can't recommend it, 3-D or not, to anybody. My Bloody Valentine 3-D lacks any interesting changes that make it preferable to the original. Even 3-D nudity is dull, and if you can't make nudity work in a slasher movie - let alone in 3-D - then you're doing something wrong.

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