Saturday, July 4, 2009

Summer Fest Day Two: Friday the 13th Part 3

This was a much better 3-D experience than My Bloody Valentine, and really just a better movie. Oh sure, Friday the 13th 3-D is not a great movie, and I'd say 90% of what happens is totally arbitrary, from the way Jason stalks and kills his prey to why characters end up doing what they're doing at any point or the completely random use of 3-D technology.

For example, here's a quick list of things you see jump out at you:

A laundry pole, a TV antenna, a plastic snake, a rat, some guy's fist, a baseball bat, a wallet, a yo-yo, some juggling apples and oranges, a fireplace poker, several moths, a speargun spear, two separate eyeballs, and a joint.

Most of these have nothing to do with people being killed in any way, shape, or form. The characters don't really conform to any "types" other than I guess "Stoner", "Biker", and "Obnoxious Jewish Guy".

During the film, we found ourselves debating the relative merits of Friday the 13th part 3's anti-semitism, product placement, whether "paying for it" counts as "losing it", the "Girlfriend Experience", the continuing argument about whether Jason is alive or undead, and whether or not he's actually retarded or just a mongoloid. It was also pointed out that Shelly looks like what would happen if you smooshed Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen into one person and drained out the funny, and how snarky the stoners were.

Still, the film looks surprisingly good on Blu-Ray and the 3-D worked out nicely. It was a fun, if somewhat distracted, experience.

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