Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Whatever the opposite of "flush" is, that's me.

I never saw Borat. At best, the Cap'n might have watched five minutes from the beginning, but I've never seen the whole thing. Maybe I was just Ali G'ed out, it may have had something to do with my instinctual mistrust of pop culture "phenoms", as the film became. What it boils down to is that regardless of how many copies of Borat I file or how many people tell me I NEED to see it, I guess I just don't want to anymore. The same goes for Bruno, which seems like it's more of the same "set up people too dumb to figure this out and film their stupidity."

To me, that sounds a little bit like a comedic version of a Michael Moore film, but I'm sure you'll all love it and press me to see Bruno, which I probably won't. It's nothing to do with Sacha Baron Cohen or whether the movie is good or not; I'm just not that interested in seeing Bruno.


Meanwhile, Netflix sent an interesting double feature for my eventual perusal: the two BD's that comprise Woodstock and the dvd of Outlander. It's been years since I watched Woodstock all the way through, so I'm curious to see how much of it I remember and how much I don't. The second disc has more footage and more musical performances, so that's fun. Couple that with Criterion's forthcoming Blu Ray of Monterey Pop and you have a hippie explosion. I'm not quite sure that's such a good thing, but I'm sure hippies will be happy.

Outlander sounds like fun, even if the Weinstein's unceremoniously dumped it on dvd. Just because a movie is about an alien dude (Jim Caveziel) fighting an alien monster with the help of Vikings doesn't automatically make it crap. Okay, on paper it sounds kind of dumb, but this isn't the Sci-Fi Channel we're talking about and reviews have been pretty positive. Worst case scenario is that I'm out slightly less time than it took to watch MSVGO. Sounds fair to me.


In the interest of growing the Frequently Asked Questions, I ask you to submit a question to the Cap'n about this here blogorium. If you could make the question somehow be about Stab Lincoln, Civil War Zombies, or Raptor of Liberty (and it's sequel, Raptor-in-Chief), the Cap'n will be extra quick in answering them.

For those of you who don't want to take part in discussions about the awesome movies that I don't even need to write because they write themselves, feel free to ask any other questions about the functions of this blogorium, its layout, frequent topics of discussion, or other peccadilloes. I'm sure I can get around to those too, but understand that movies about Raptors and Confederate Zombies are just more interesting. Seriously.

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