Friday, July 24, 2009

"You win, okay? It's just a game!" "Not anymore."

I've officially packed up all of my movies, PS3, X-Box 360, and the fancy tv. The Cap'n calls it "less distraction"; the blogorium says "oh, great. now what are you going to write about?"

Thanks for bearing with the Cap'n while I do some serious non-movie related real life crap, because I know it makes for less than interesting reading. As a general rule, I don't like to mix day to day minutiae with writing, because this isn't a journal. This is a place to talk about film, not the ins and outs of balancing school, work, and moving. That's not why you come here or why you come back. You want me to geek out, and I write here because I want to share my experience with all of you. That way we all discover something new and spread the knowledge.

For example, my proxy experience with the SDCC means that the really nasty bootlegged footage from the new Tron is finally online in pristine form. After watching the high quality version several times (no really, SEVERAL times), I certainly can't complain about having the real deal to draw from. Now I can make out what the guy says before TRON/CLU rezzes him, what the world looks like, and little details from the room Flynn lives in. Strangely, it looks like he's living the rich life inside the game world, something I'm curious to see in the final film*.

The only downside at all to this new footage is that you can't hear the audience go apeshit when a) they realize this is Tron, and b) when Jeff Bridges opens his eyes. Believe me, I watched that ragged clip enough times too, and one of the things I loved was the reaction when it's clear that Flynn is back inside the system.

Yeah, total dork moment. I don't care. You've all known for years that I'm a big time Tron fan and have been since I was a kid. I still remember the copy on Betamax dad taped off of HBO but was running late so the first minute or so is him rapidly switching channels to get to Tron. I may be more excited about returning to that world than any other sequel on the horizon. It might end up being a totally unnecessary and unwaranted sequel, but I don't even care.

In all honesty, this is one of the few occasions where you'll see the Cap'n in non-snark mode. I don't have a joke to make about the movie. I don't have doubts or nagging concerns or anything else. I'm going to eat up clips as they arrive and wait for the trailer patiently. Not even viral marketing is going to sour this for me.

And now that I've talked about Tron (again!) for half a blog, allow me to return to packing. I might find a movie that slipped through the cracks, like Carnivorous, aka the Kulev Serpent movie with DMX... How could that go wrong???

* This, title change aside, is exactly the footage from last year's Comic Con. It's test footage made to show Disney what Tron could look like in the 21st century, and may not at all reflect the actual movie.

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