Thursday, August 20, 2009

LeGros Misunderstanding

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I wanted to apologize a bit for being so hard on James LeGros in my Phantasm II review. When I went back and looked at his filmography, I realized he's appeared in a number of movies I like quite a bit, like: Drugstore Cowboy, Living in Oblivion, Near Dark, Born on the Fourth of July, Point Break, Singles, Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle, Enemy of the State, Zodiac, and Visioneers, a movie I've heard good things about.

While I'm not such a huge fan of the following, I thought it would be fair to mention he's done quite a bit of other work, too: Catch that Kid, November, Gus Van Zant's Psycho, The Myth of Fingerprints, Solarbabies, and Destiny Turns on the Radio.

He's done a lot of different kinds of movies, including several I left out, and it's probably unfair to characterize him as "generic leading male", as I did. Perhaps the problem is that having watched Phantasm, Phantasm III, and Phantasm IV, the obvious break in Phantasm II is that Michael Baldwin is missing, and LeGros might work in a number of other movies, but he just didn't click for me in this one.


Hey, speaking of Destiny Turns on the Radio, does anybody remember that movie? It's horrible, and not just because Quentin Tarantino is a rotten actor in the movie. Granted, Tarantino is not usually my favorite part of any of his movies, but I'm not convinced he had anything to do with Destiny Turns on the Radio aside from acting in it. It's actually been so long since I saw the beat-up VHS copy that disappeared that I can't remember what happens. For some strange reason, that doesn't bother me. Hrm.

While thinking of Destiny Turns on the Radio, I had some curious notion that Jim Belushi was in the film. Then I realized that I was conflating Destiny Turns on the Radio with Mr. Destiny, a comparably shitty movie that had something to do with baseball. That's even sillier, especially since I have no idea why I would ever fuse one film into the other...

All of this is my way of saying that Inglorious Basterds comes out tomorrow, and I've heard it's not at all what advertisements are saying it is. So consider yourself warned. I don't want to hear anyone pissing and moaning that nobody told them it wasn't just about Nazi killing and Brad Pitt.


And on that note, I'm out like shag carpets. Or are those back in? I can't keep up with the times.

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