Monday, August 31, 2009

New Digs

Since the Cap'n is settled into my new apartment, I thought now would be a good time to share the new set up with you. The living room should be all you folks care about, so let me break it down for you.

(as per the norm, click on the picture to significantly embiggen it)

Here's the new layout. The fancy schmancy TV is in the center of the living room with shelves that extend on either side all the way to the walls. Underneath the TV you can find the DVR, the PS3, the 5.1 Channel receiver, the X-Box 360, and HD-DVD drive.

Moving to the right:
Just to be abundantly clear how supportive of the format I am, the four shelves to the right of the TV are Blu Rays, with a smattering of HD-DVDs mixed in. I know that it's some kind of crime for I Am Legend to be obscuring the Blade Runner and Planet of the Apes boxes, but I can't find another place to put it right now. I'm sure I'll figure out something.

Moving to the left:

Yarrr, here be the Spine Numbers. While my collection is nowhere near as impressive as Major Tom or Veal's, it's coming together nicely. This time around I'm focusing more on getting ones I really want, rather than filling out number gaps. The missing one on the second shelf to the left is Derek Jarman's Jubilee, which I'm watching currently. Also, Science is Fiction: 23 Films by Jean Panleve has not made it onto the shelf. Soon enough.

Oh, in case you were wondering, the Criterion Blu Rays have their own shelf in the picture above this one.
Ah yes, the Horror Shelf. You didn't think the Cap'n would hide his Horror Shelf all the way against the back wall, did you? Zoom in for hints at this year's Horror Fest selections...

Moving off to the side wall:

Here's a cross section of non-specific and genre separated shelves. To the right are my MST3K tapes. I'd show you where the dvds are but the stupid camera didn't upload them. Perhaps next time. They're on the mantle.

Finally, in the back corner:

TV shows are split right down the middle by Cult films, because the Cult section just fit so well there in the old apartment. Admittedly, there's a lot of TV I have yet to watch, but I'll get around to it. I promise.

So that's the entertainment layout for my new place, just waiting for you to come over and watch movies. I'm hoping to add another couch for "stadium" seating and maybe a love seat off to the side for the alcove/office I have. Unless of course Barrett sneaks over here and takes everything first. Which he's not allowed to. Ever. Even if I die, he can't have any of it. You hear me, Barrett? Nothing!


The new poll is up. You have until Sunday to vote, so make sure everyone else gets on the ball and votes too!


For the record, The Final Destination won. Even Inglorious Basterds topped Halloween 2. You nutjobs don't know a crazy dream sequence when you see one, so says I.

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