Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"You gotta put out if you want to get back..."

Teenage Mother indeed, Major Tom. Teenage Mother indeed.

I guess that means I'm buying it, huh?


It's almost pointless to question why Guillermo Del Toro hired someone to remake The Orphanage in English. Like Let the Right One In, I get that there's a bias against horror films with subtitles. It's stupid, but that's the way it is and we (the consumers) are consistently unwilling to say "no thanks" and push this trend in the opposite direction.

The good news is that we live in a heavily saturated dvd and Blu-Ray market, so it's not like the days when your only option was the remake. In some ways, this really levels the "remake-obliterates-source-material" dynamic I'm so interested in, but the real test is when these new versions hit theaters.

I'm willing to bet that, lack of acclaim aside, The Uninvited made more money than any limited theatrical release of A Tale of Two Sisters, on which it was based. In all likelihood, people who heard about Let the Right One In will see Let Me In for curiosity's sake, and I'm going out on a limb and betting many LTROI fans will see it too, gripes aside.

In that regard, the "new" version does erase for most people the existence of "original" films, outside of circles of cinephiles. This is silly, but that's the reality.


Finally, the Cap'n is sorta jazzed about this whole District 9 thing. I'm inclined to see it when it opens. Any takers?

1 comment:

  1. I'm chomping at the bit for District 9, like I think anyone hungry for something at least resembling an original story. I'll be seeing it asap.

    I've heard things about Let Me In that make me think it won't be a complete failure, but I worry that the love story will have a completely different and more "mainstream" approach that will completely change the dynamic.
