Friday, August 7, 2009

What a misleading trailer!

As the Cap'n likes to drop knowledge as often and as accurately as possible, allow me to present the actual plot of Teenage Mother, from the Amazon dvd listing:


High schoolers learn a lot about the facts of life from the new Swedish sex-ed teacher. She is nearly raped by drug-dealing students and one ingenious, manipulative girl uses the new knowledge to feign pregnancy so she can con her boy friend into marrying her.

Sneaky, Mr. Unfortunately Voiced Narrator Guy (TEENAGE MUTHA!): you tricked us into thinking the movie was just about Arlene Sue and that afterward that German Swedish sex-ed instructor would be visiting us in person. I had no idea this movie would be so *gasp* scandalous! We came to see Teenage Mother, not Class of 1984, after all*.

However, this does raise questions about what happens after the "whole gang got even" one night. Maybe it wasn't that she tricked the guy and turned "brother against brother", but her slutty ways with the truck driver just pushed him over the edge. Or something. Now I'm all messed up about Teenage Mother ("means nine months of trouble!"), because of the wildly inaccurate advertising campaign.

For shame, Voiceover Guy. For shame.

* admittedly, all of these revelations do make the film more interesting than I thought it would be...

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