Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Nappy Time is the Happy Time

Sorry for the slowness in updating today, gang. My cold has moved into the "you're better off sleeping phase," so I've been in and out of consciousness, often leaving things on while passed out. I don't know how many times I tried to watch Racket Girls on MST3K before I finally realized it wasn't going to happen.

I have sincere doubts about keeping this blog coherent if I go on much longer, so instead I'll give you this video daily double. It's from the same person who made that 1950s Ghostbusters trailer, but this time both fake trailers look like they could actually be the same movie, especially Charlton Heston as Indiana Jones, circa 1951. See for yourself:

The second faux-trailer is for James Stewart as Forrest Gump. I think you'll find it works quite well.

And on that, note, I'm going back to la-la land. I'm hoping this breaks by tomorrow so I can watch something and tell you about it, or maybe make it through a whole post. We'll see when we get there.

Oh, and keep voting! Three way ties are uncouth!

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