Saturday, September 26, 2009

To tell the truth...

I don't even know what to talk about after Boss and Teenage Mother. After a one-two punch like that, there's nothing I could watch, no development I could raise angst for. So the Cap'n spent most of the day doing homework and finishing season three of Dexter.

Season four starts tomorrow, but I won't be watching it. As stupid as this sounds for a movie fanatic to say, I'm getting rid of cable. And the DVR, and the stored movies and "record all", and the On Demand. I weighed the pros and cons of having it, and it boils down to a simple fact: I already don't have enough time to watch the hundreds of movies at the apartment. I have three Netflix movies that I haven't watched since I lived three houses away. I spend most of my time reading and writing for school, and when I did watch the fancy digital cable, it was a distraction.

The DVR was nice, I guess, but it became another method of piling on. I had another pile of movies and tv shows eating up space that I wasn't going to get to any time soon. Other than Lost, Doctor Who, and Weeds, I don't keep up with shows. I'm horrible about that, and the same goes with movies. How did I really expect to add more tv to the plate? By the time I get around to Bored to Death or Curb Your Enthusiasm, they'll be out on dvd. It just doesn't make sense right now to have cable with any amenities. So I cut it off.

I can still keep up with tv shows, but now at a less break-neck pace. Now I can finish watching The Office and Dollhouse, start Fringe, Battlestar Galactica, The Wire, Six Feet Under, Mad Men, True Blood, Pushing Daisies, and The Mighty Boosh, but at my own pace. Not worrying so much about when the next episode airs. Not hurrying to catch up before the season premiere. By the time I'm done with those, the new season of Dexter will be in stores.

The other big perk is no more idle channel surfing. From here on out, if I turn the tv on, it's with a specific purpose. I'll be watching something I want to watch, that I made time to watch, and that I can write about. So you get more content and less excuses.

For a while there, I thought it would be worth keeping just for all the movies available. The truth was that with so many options, nothing ends up being what I'd watch. There were at least 30 channels devoted to nothing but movies, and I watched maybe four movies in the two months I had service. The math just doesn't work. Does it mean I'll miss being able to watch Schindler's List and Clean, Shaven in HD? Maybe. Was it the right thing to do for now? Definitely.

So far, the only thing I miss is not having a clock in the living room.

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