Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The "Truth" About Teenage Mother

Now that Teenage Mother finally arrived, I think setting up a time for everybody to come over and watch it is in order. I'm leaning in the direction of this weekend, but will test those waters tomorrow between test taking and assorted school-related junk.

If you're wondering, the Cap'n is keeping his promise not to watch the movie before everyone else does. That did not stop me from reading another review and learning a few things I did not know about the movie, neither of which were covered in the Amazon synopsis posted previously:

- Star Arlene Sue Farber ("she's a very healthy girl") was also in The French Connection and I Drink Your Blood.

- There's a "twist" ending. Okay, it's not a twist so much as... well, get your popcorn ready.

- We all know that lady on the left, but who's that fella on the right?

That's right, folks! It's Fred Willard!!!!

Teenage Mother?! Whaaaa Happened?

- This line from the IMDB review made me laugh so hard I had to share it:

"There are no motorcycles in this film. until the very very end just before the curtains meet."

part of this is the context of the rest of the review, which you really might want to consider reading before you come over. Or not. It's up to you. I'm glad I know but am simultaneously filled with curiosity and dread.

Actually, since I'm putting the poster up anyway, you'll be able to figure it out. It's only RIGHT ABOVE THE TITLE:

Like I said, get your popcorn ready! This weekend: Teenage Mother! 9 Months of Trouble! Best Trailer Ever!

* by the way, I love the tagline "She did her homework in parked cars!"

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