Thursday, October 1, 2009


If you're like me, and you find yourself with three hours to spare, perhaps you should consider watching The Postman. There are people who would tell you to do anything other than watch Kevin Costner's The Postman, but those people are insane. Or I'm insane. It doesn't matter, I guess.

To say any more would spoil all of the surprises of "Waterworld, but on land", so make with the renting and buying now!

Far be it from me to advocate watching Costner's 3 hour epic ode to the United States Postal Service (and sometimes Shakespeare) on Blu Ray, since there should be no difficulty finding a very cheap copy on dvd or vhs. Heck, if you're really game to watch it, say, right now, it just so happens I have copies of The Postman on vhs, dvd, and Blu Ray. They're yours for the taking. Well, the dvd and vhs copies.

(extra special bonus: if you take the cassette copy, you also get The Lost Boys, The Untouchables, and Spice World at no extra cost!)


In a section I'm frequently coming to call "video daily double", I thought I'd share two not-necessarily-movie related clips that entertained me. However, I will make the argument that both of them could, under my twisted logic, be construed as "movie related." Watch and learn, kiddos.

The first is what I'd call "Science Fiction turned (almost) Science Fact". When these ads aired in 1993, none of the proposed advances seemed likely. Nowadays, we take almost all of them for granted.

The second one... well, I'm going to argue that commentaries playing over footage goes back to the days of Laserdiscs, so that works. Stick with it for a while, because it starts rocky but gets better and better because of this guy's enthusiasm. Also, lots of this game doesn't make sense...

Also, for some reason the commentator reminds me of Jerkbeast, and Jerkbeast did make a movie.


Roger Ebert mentioned in his Movie Answer Man column this week that the 210-minute cut of Metropolis should be coming to dvd and Blu-Ray at the end of this year or the beginning of 2010. As an unabashed fan of even the shorter versions (but especially the existing 2 hour version Kino already released), I'm very excited to see the longest cut of Fritz Lang's science fiction epic known to cinephiles. Huzzah!

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