Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shameful... just shameful.

I wanted to start off tonight's blog with a correction:

Astute readers have pointed out to me that Zombies on Broadway (1945) actually precedes Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) and Africa Screams (1949), so the horrible jokes aren't really recycled as I claimed.. I suppose the question is then, Who's Stealing from Who?

Nevertheless, I'm standing by my So You Won't Have To ranking. There's nothing in Zombies on Broadway I feel is worth recommending: it's not funny, it's not scary, and Lugosi fans are going to come out of the film wanting more. If Zombies on Broadway were in any way entertaining, I'd probably overlook the fact that those lame jokes weren't stolen from better movies. But it's not entertaining, and the stolen gags are put to better use by Bud and Lou. So I apologize for the poor research, even though it doesn't change my opinion of the movie.


So that Terrorvision won't feel so alone in the VHS category of Horror Fest films, I picked up House of Death, a little ditty I read about here. I realize that's not what you'd call a "positive" review in the strictest sense, but if a slasher movie is both confusing and locally made (well, somewhere in North Carolina), then it has room at the Fest.

To prove to you that I didn't Netflix a dvd or find a cheap way out, here's a picture of the cassette tape (also purchased on Amazon from somebody in NC)

And a picture of House of Death side by side with Terrorvision.

And, for good measure, a picture of the reunited Brothers Shecklestein.

Pay no attention to the price tag on Yankel; reuniting brothers is priceless.

Well, that'll about do it for tonight.

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