Wednesday, January 20, 2010

For the Record: I was NOT scared of Sherlock Holmes!

Happy Birthday to David Lynch! While I have your attention, Mr. Lynch, please make another movie, or nudge the folks airing INLAND EMPIRE in HD to release a Blu-Ray. Please?


The Cap'n is now pleased to present the first (of many) notes on The Auteur(s) - Joel and Ethan Coen:

If nothing else, this class is going to be interesting because Dr. Adams decided to focus on the German and Film Noir influences within the Coen Brothers' films. I'm particularly curious how this is going to reflect on A Serious Man, but all signs look promising for this course. We are not covering Intolerable Cruelty, The Ladykillers, or Burn After Reading. The first two don't surprise me, considering the professor's tastes, but the third is a bummer. I really think there's a lot more going on in that film that people just aren't tuned into.

(This doesn't fit anywhere in particular, but it was announced today that the Coen Brothers' re-adaptation/remake of True Grit will come out on Christmas. Guess I know what movie we'll be seeing on Christmas...)

Also, it's nice to again be in the presence of tons of film geeks with varying opinions. That I don't know, of course. Because I know most of you, and it's nothing personal or anything, but we're usually on the same level when it comes to tastes.

For example, I finally had people who had never heard of Moon, Big Fan, or Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans to pitch the movies to. I guess I've been kinda spoiled being online with such knowledgeable geeks, but that was nice.


Speaking of which, Moon finally arrived. I give full credit to Amazon for responding to the problem once I sent them an email, and they rushed another copy over, Next Day Delivery. They're a class act, I have to say. Once I get done with the considerable amount of homework I have for week one, the Cap'n is going to pop that sucker in for a second viewing. This time I might even be able to hear the whole movie!


There are early screening reviews for Edgar Wright's Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and while I ought to know better than to doubt the director of Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz, I cannot get myself excited for this movie. But that's not why I added this tidbit. Oh no. I'm including this because apparently the test audiences were told the movie they'd be seeing was "a mix between Juno and Mortal Kombat"...

Um. Yeah.


The Cap'n can't leave you on a sour note, so here's Martin Scorsese on the soon to be former Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien:

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