Thursday, March 18, 2010

Growl, Argh!

Welcome to another truncated visit to the Blogorium! I knew that I was spoiling you good readers by being up early and posting while I was waiting for people to do things with the power, but you'll just have to get used to later postings again, because the Cap'n was really only up so early because he's sick and prone to waking up at 5 a.m. and not being able to get back to sleep.

Now that I'm, uh, slightly less sick, I'll probably get back to my regimen of posting later at night and trying to sleep like a human being, or bear disguised as a human being that's been shot by a tranquilizer dart at close range by people who think that's a funny thing to do to a human-looking bear that's sleeping in bed. Or something like that.

Luckily for you, the electrician is coming back tomorrow to put in new outlets (or something to that effect), theoretically ensuring that no more power hiccups plague Blogorium Central. Then I can get back to my regimen of watching something from beginning to end without the TV, PS3, PC, and lights inexplicably cutting out and then right back on.

I actually have a few things in the works:

- I started watching MST3k's The Final Sacrifice, which I do admit is pretty damned funny in its first half hour (although disappointingly Rowsdower-free). I'll try to wrap that up by Saturday and give you my thoughts, along with a recap of the "Crow vs. Crow" extra on The Beatniks.

- the Cap'n is also 3/4's of the way through UnConventional, which might also be called "the lamest convention ever": focusing on the 13th Annual Chiller Theatre Horror Convention in New Jersey from... geez, at least five years ago but probably longer (they keep making reference to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake not being in theatres but also not on "home video" yet). I'll get into the specifics when the full review comes up, but so far the focus has been... maybe I could say "off."

- A book called The Greatest Sci-Fi Films NEVER Made, which (and I mean this in the best way possible) has made for good bathroom reading. Again, I'll get into the specifics soon, but the funny thing I've noticed is that if David Hughes had waited oh, two years, half of the book's chapters would end with the "NEVER" being removed. (I notice there's a "revised" version on Amazon from 2008, but the one I'm almost done with is from 2002 or so and is devoted to a number of movies that happened shortly after publication, like Superman Returns , Aliens vs. Predator, and The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. More amusing are assertions that Watchmen and Avatar "will probably never happen").

Okay, I need to be up early tomorrow morning so we can restore power to HQ, and the tranquilizer dart is finally penetrating my thick layers of bear-fur. Sleeeepy...

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