Monday, March 8, 2010

Help Me, Blogorium Readers! You're My Only Hope!

It's nice to know that even in the digital age, where almost everything is instantly available on disc or downloadable, cross-referenced on 400 different websites and immediately recognizable to millions, that sometimes the unexpected can happen. Take last night, for instance, when I was showing off some of the scripts available for PlayOn, software that streams video from your computer to your PS3.

There's one script devoted to programs from around the world, and if you go digging into the United States channel, you'll find one called Sci-Fi Movie Channel - which is not to be mistaken for the SyFy Channel - that shows random, arcane, and forgotten science fiction movies most of us didn't know existed. What's even better, is that in the age of instant information, the fact that there are no commercial breaks or bumpers to indicate what you're watching means you're going to stumble across movies you have never seen and may never see again without knowing what the movie is.

Considering that I genuinely believed that possibility to be lost, it was quite a discovery last night for me, Nathan, and Major Tom to find a movie none of us had ever heard of or seen before. That, however, is also a problem. A BIG problem.

See, this movie is an instant, no-questions-guaranteed-show for Bad Movie Night. This little ditty (which we're placing somewhere in the early 70s) has it all: a pathetically low budget, awkward shot composition, barely lit outdoor footage, and bad dubbing of English speaking actors.

The plot (so far as we can surmise) has something to do with an expedition into space by one or more ships. The ship that landed (we think) ends up on some planet where a Giant Robot is terrorizing some half naked dudes who are painted green and their telepathic leader who leave in an irradiated city and nearby cave. After the astronauts meet the robot and destroy it with a slingshot (seriously), the planet starts "crumbling", so we assumed it was almost over. But not, once they got back on the ship, all of the people the robot killed came back to life as Space Zombies (we think) and then it kept going. It was late, and we had to call it a night.

But I NEED to know what this movie is. We watched about half an hour (or more) of this ridiculous movie, which is further than we ever got into Vampire Men of the Lost Planet, and despite its craposity, the movie was immensely enjoyable and never dull. Stupid? Oh yes. Cheap? Uh huh. Nonsensical? Oh, you bet! But we couldn't stick around on the off-chance the credits had the title anywhere, so we have NO IDEA what this movie is called. And I want to know so I can share it with all of you.

There's no Channel referent, so I can't find it that way. The plot is too convoluted to describe, so Google's not going to help. So I'm turning to you, oh readers of infinitely more time and resources than the Cap'n. Please help me find this movie and I'll make it worth your while.

I'm including twenty screen-grabs (we took pictures and recorded some video, which has our snarky commentary, which I may share down the line). If they help you in any way, I'll be ever so grateful. Help this "cult" film grow from a cult of three outward and outward. If this movie is on DVD I want to know it, so I can buy it. You must see this, and I won't rest until we locate it!

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