Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Video Daily Double: Now with 200% More Machismo!

Greetings all. As promised, I bring you another installment of the Video Daily Double, a name the Cap'n may or may not have stolen appropriated from Jeopardy.

For some reason, Sherlock Holmes opted not to come tomorrow via Netflix (I'm going to go out on a limb and guess because it's more popular than what is coming), so I can't give you a full-on Blu-Ray review yet of Guy Ritchie's Maximum Movie Mode (as seen - not by me, mind you - in Watchmen and ummm, Harry Potter maybe?). It's a shame, because Sherlock Holmes is practically dripping in the combined male macho-ness of Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, but all is not lost.

You see, in their infinite wisdom, Netflix sensed I needed something with a bit more testosterone than An Education (not to say anything bad about An Education, which I'll probably watch first), so they're sending me both discs of Steven Seagal: Lawman, a show that I missed out on entirely thanks to not having cable. I know that it's almost certainly more sedate than Marked for Death, Hard to Kill, or Exit Wounds, but I'll take it. That would make a fine weekend coupled with Universal Soldier: Regeneration.

Speaking of weekends, I might as well get this out right now so that nobody planning ahead feels gypped: There Will Be NO Bad Movie Night This Year. Sorry.

On to the "Video Daily Double" part of today's proceedings.

The first of today's Video Daily Double is... well, disturbing. Not in execution, but in conception. It drips with a quaint but unsettling machismo. It's either a colossally bad idea or the work of a genius drama teacher.

Scarface, performed by Elementary School Students.

The other is also dripping with machismo, although I leave it up to you to decide which of the two is truly more disturbing.

The Expendables

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