Sunday, June 13, 2010

Not Hamlet (yet)

Just as a quick followup to the News and Notes (part two), I was over at Ye Olde Amazon dot com this morning and noticed that they put photos up for the Videodrome and Seven Samurai Blu-Ray discs (but still no release dates).

Not to be a jerk about this, but this is not indicative of the "realness" of their claim when Criterion's discussion forums has a page for "Fake Covers" that have some pretty good ones, including the infamous Troll 2 fake that scares so many of you. But, in the interest of making my point a little clearer, moving the "info" bar on Videodrome and slapping the "Blu-Ray" sticker is apparently something many of these folks are capable of doing.

Check out this page on the thread for The Conformist, Shivers, The Pervert's Guide to Cinema, Paths of Glory, Shivers, The King and the Mockingbird, and Manos, the Hands of Fate. Elsewhere you can find Mysterious Skin, Let the Right One In, Eraserhead, The Killing, Stalker, and La Petit Soldat.

I guess I'm in this one for the long haul until they're officially released, but it's not like I don't want to see Amazon's listings come true. I just don't know that they need to be up there if Criterion hasn't made it official yet.

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