Monday, June 21, 2010

A Smidge of Housecleaning / Looking Forward

Good evening, loyal readership! The Cap'n has been taking it easy for the last day or so in the wake of Hamlet Week, which was considerably more time consuming than I'd planned for (not in the watching, but more in the writing). I'd considered taking a day or two off, but with Summerfest a scant week and a half away, there's much work to be done.

I've decided, considering the length of time that I'll be on the road and without access to the internet, that the remainder of the reviews from last week (including The Informant, Iron Man 2, Hot Tub Time Machine, Crazy Heart, An Education, and Vivre sa Vie) are going to be put aside for you to read while I'm gone. I'll continue to watch movies in between packing and try to keep things updated, but expect more Summerfest related content for the next two weeks, interspersed with periodic reviews and video-related content.

On Wednesday I'm going to give an official announcement to films playing at Summerfest, after a little bit of time devoted to hearing feedback from you, the reader. What I'm going to do is link to a list of every movie from every Summer and Horror Fest, going all the way back to a proto-fest in 2001. Take a look at those, consider anything you'd like to see that has or hasn't ever played, and leave me a comment. While the lineup is already pretty spectacular, I'm always looking for that one movie I forgot...


In other news, many of you have probably seen Criterion's announcement that Terrence Malick's The Thin Red Line is, in fact, joining the Spine Numbers on DVD and Blu-Ray*. None of Amazon's other listed discs are, but The Thin Red Line is joining Charade, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence, and Breathless as new Blu-Ray releases. So perhaps all hope is not lost for The Darjeeling Limited, Antichrist, Videodrome, and Seven Samurai. As I keep saying; we shall see.


That's about it for today. Look for a bit of Summerfest retrospective tomorrow, followed by the official list of films (with trailers, links, and posters where available) on Wednesday. I might have a proper review of something or other on Thursday, and I'm afraid that I'll be stirring up at hornet's nest by taking umbrage with The Carousel's Mixed Tape Film Series on Friday, but I need to address this before I leave Greensboro...

Until the morrow...

* Although they're listing the runtime as 170 minutes, so it's the theatrical length and not that mythical 4-hour cut so many people seem to be asking for.

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