Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summerfest Video Daily Double

Greetings, horror fanatics. As things get into full Summerfest swing here at the Apartment that Dripped Blood, the Cap'n has a special double dose of video mayhem to get your ready for the gore, the comedy, and the chills that await those brave enough to shamble over on Thursday night.

Additionally, before the official lineup kicks in on June 1st, I'll put up special bonus Summerfest reviews of [REC] and [REC 2] some time Thursday afternoon, along with brief thoughts on John Landis' Masters of Horror episode, Family.

Then it's time for the main event at 10pm, kicking off with... well, you'll just have to come by or read later to find out!

On to our special audiovisual selections!


Our first video comes from Linnea Quigley's Horror Workout, which I someday hope to show in its entirety at a Horror Fest. It involves Quigley, zombies, aerobics, and a pool. The rest speaks for itself:

Our second video is The Best Bloody Moments in Horror History, which is exactly what it sounds like. Unlike most of the clip compilations the Cap'n finds, this one has a bit of context in between clips, which help keep this from being a random assemblage of gore. That being said, you're going to see some of the gorier moments in the genre's history, from the gut puking in City of the Living Dead to the facelift scene in Eyes without a Face. Ergo, I must make it clear this is probably NSFW:

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