Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Video Daily Double (with 80% less Star Wars)

Yes, dear readers, the Cap'n did say "80%" less Star Wars. Normally, after two consecutive weeks, I'd say "!00%" less Star Wars, but our second video clip contains just a smidge of A New Hope, and my own perverse sense of humor is leading me to keep the Lucas quotient up for a bit. On the other hand, if you find the second video in any way funny (and not totally dated - already), then it'll make sense why Star Wars gets a hat trick in the Video Daily Double.

Popular consensus is making it clear that I will, begrudgingly, actually write the words "Blogorium Review: Monsturd" on Thursday. The upside is it may be the first time anyone ever reviewed Monsturd (just kidding, and here's the proof). I shall endeavor to do justice to the Monsturd experience.

On to the videos!


Both videos today involve some audio trickery in order to turn one film into another.

Our first video weds a series of movies that the Cap'n doesn't really like with a recent movie I didn't see (and by this weekend's receipts, neither did most of you). In all likelihood, this will be the last time I mention Scott Pilgrim vs. The World in the Blogorium:

Our second video is.... well, I don't care how late to the party this is. With a YouTube title like "Mel Gibson: Script Doctor," and increasingly well selected clips, the Cap'n is happy to be behind the comedy zeitgeist:

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