Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Video Daily Double

There's no theme to this week's Video Daily Double, nor do I have anything terribly insightful that I want to share, movie-wise. I guess I could talk about the myriad of Inception-based internet junk, like the revelation about the score or how the movie ripped off Scrooge McDuck, which really just makes me want to write up spoiler-heavy thoughts on the film tomorrow. So I think I will.

I've finished the first season of Breaking Bad and have knocked back four episodes of season two. I'll try to put something up about that when I finish this season and try to locate season three. Then it's a matter of deciding between Hung, True Blood, or Mad Men next.

Make with the video fun fun!


Our first video is possibly the lamest, least frightening way to entice viewers into watching Tales from the Darkside the Cap'n has ever seen.

Our second video is a compilation of every insult, slur, or bit of grousing by Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. Hopefully this will make more of you see the movie, which is actually a very good movie.

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