Tuesday, November 16, 2010

From the Vaults: Guest Blogger - The Cranpire

Our "From the Vaults" for the third Tuesday in November is a compilation of Cranpire-riffic guest spots on the Blogorium. If you've never had the experience of meeting Mr. Patrick Cranpire, this will give you a taste:

Today I think I'll let Mr. Cranpire take care of business. That dude knows way more about movies than I do. Here he is:

It takes dirt and sun to make the shit grow. It takes mutha fuckin' Cranpire to start the show. The Cap'n is now "sleeping" and may not wake for some time. So I will tell you his lies. He changes the time stamp on his blogs so that it appears that he wrties a blog each and every day or normal 24 hour period.

Tonight I am going to be Patrick not Cranpire. This is a side many of you do not see very often.

The Dark Knight was awesome, Heath Ledger was awesome. But here is my point. While filming this movie and after filming ended Ledger was supposedly "haunted by the Joker". So does that make Heath Ledger a bad actor. Yes. I am not saying that his performance was poor, I am saying that he was bad at being an actor. He should have been able to separate himself form the character. There have been many intense, demented and horrifying roles played by many and actor. I can not think of another instance of this happening. If you can let me know. Thank you for your time.

Before I took out the Cap'n he requested that I speak about movies, specifically Death Race. We just finished it and is good. All the things that were said about this film are true. You will not be bored, your questions will be answer and yes people drive cars with the intention of both winning and killing the fellow races. That is all I will say about this movie other than you should watch it.

The Cap'n just briefly woke up and mentioned a conversation about an actor we had. His name is Lochlyn Munro. You more than likely do not know who he is and therefore can not appreciate his talent. Dead Man on Campus is the easiest way for me to get you on ball. He is the crazy guy who, well, goes crazy. That is your starting point and you better pick up the scent and follow it till it goes cold.

I am going to finish this shit up. But I will lead you with this. Do not let stupidity stand.

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