Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Video Daily Double You Can Be Thankful For

For today's pre-Thanksgiving Video Daily Double, the logical solution would be to pick up on this year's "it" movie from Summer Fest, Thankskilling and drop some clippage on you. But seeing as the Cap'n is a tricky, dodgy fellow, I've decided instead to focus on two other clips, both of which fixate on earlier obsessions in the Blogorium: Nicolas Cage and The Happening.

As you well know, I am an unabashed fan of Nicolas Cage and his "Mega Acting*", and to many of your chagrin, I hold a special place in my heart for M. Night Shyamalan's disasterpiece of ecological vengeance, truly one of the worst films of the last decade, one that I hope makes a Troll 2-esque push for cult status in the next ten years.

I'm always thankful when one or the other resurface, but this week gave the Cap'n a double whammy when Mark Whalberg openly admitted that he thought The Happening was "bad." Then, today, a video editor by the name of Harry Hanrahan put together a great collection of Nicolas Cage "mega acting." In fact, here it is:

If, for some reason, you've missed out on the Blogorium's incessant coverage of The Happening, or if you've never seen the film, here's a clip that covers exactly what kind of special, special film you're depriving yourself of (plus, it's one I've never posted here before!):

Happy Turkey Day, Everybody!

* All credit due to Vern for coining this acting style.

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