Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Video Daily Double Knows When to Keep It in Its Pants.

Good day to you all, Blogorium readers. Today's important and influential Video Daily Double deals with an insidious menace hidden behind the facade of "casual sex." It doesn't matter if you happen to be John or Jane Q. Public or a member of the Military, if you aren't careful about where you put your naughty bits, you will pay!

On to the education, via two true "viral videos"!


Our first video today, 1944's To the People of the United States, is about a more insidious threat to the military than DADT, the dreaded enemy that haunts your nether regions, the VD! (Oh, and does that guy on the right in the first vignette look like Robert Mitchum to anyone?)

Our second video is a sequel, of sorts, to Reefer Madness, titled Sex Madness! What happens when the dreaded VD infiltrates civil society???

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