Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Video Daily Double for Lying, Cheating, Losers!

It's spring time, and the flowers are in bloom. While your thoughts might be turning to the birds and the bees, they'd better be wandering back to you textbooks and homework! School isn't done with yet, so get back to your studies. Didn't those VD short films teach you anything?

Today we're going to focus on critical aspects of your high school and collegiate careers, so pay close attention. If you skim through either one, get ready for a life of saying "would you like fries with that?" If not, you're best advised to follow the Video Daily Double's advice.


Our first short, The Morality of Cheating, is for all of you layabouts out there. Just because you want to coast to the end of the semester doesn't mean you slackers should break the rules!

Our second video is for the students that won't be cheating, but also know that you're a loser. Good news! You can be The Good Loser just like this film!

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