Saturday, May 14, 2011

New and Notes for Saturday the 14th

Hello all. I'm sorry that I chose to sit out Friday the 13th; it's normally a prime opportunity to do something Vorhees-related, but after things went daffy with the Blow Out review from Thursday*, I wasn't in the mood to possibly post something and lose it. So no review for The Dungeon Masters, no review for Paths of Glory, and no Jason Vorhees related business for you.

As a consolation prize, I will share with you the trailer for Saturday the 14th, a movie I must admit I've never seen.

To be fair, I have seen Student Bodies, which isn't any good at all, but was released the same year. Student Bodies was a spoof of slasher flicks, and this seems to be more of a catch-all, Zucker/Abrams/Zucker style comedy. It has a 3.8 rating on IMDB, which is worse than Student Bodies' 5.4. That's really all I need to know.


Moving on, I've noticed that nearly every movie site I traffic has been covering this story, about Lars von Trier and Martin Scorsese teaming up for a Five Obstructions sequel/remake/challenge. People are very excited, as well they should be, but only half of them bother to mention that it sounds a LOT like this story from 2010, which was subsequently debunked by Scorsese. Most of the sources that do seem only to be paying attention to the "remake Taxi Driver" part and not the fact that the language of the first 2010 article linked also mentions The Five Obstructions.

When I read the new story (on the Guardian U.K.'s page, linked by Criterion), it sounded very familiar, but it's being reported as "Fact" this time, just one that's totally without a timetable, considering that Scorsese is either filming or has finished filming Hugo Cabret and is scheduled to make Silence after that. So it's fact, just with wild speculation about what Scorsese would be remaking.

Forgive me for being a stick in the mud, but since many of the sites listed (like Collider) admit there's no announcement or any details (let alone anything I could find from either director) to make this, *ahem*, official, why exactly is this being reported with more certainty than last years' rumor?

There are two differences between the stories: 1) the 2010 iteration came out of the Berlin Film Festival; the 2011 out of Cannes, and 2) the new rumor drops Taxi Driver, at least in most of the stories I've seen. That really seems to be it, and last year's rumor sank like a stone the next day. Again, to be the cynic: why should I believe it this time, even if the idea is admittedly tantalizing?


In other news... I have been finding more and more horror films that were lost in the shuffle - like Dr. Terror's House of Horrors, proper uncut versions of Braindead and The Vault of Horror, Willard, The Dunwich Horror, and Queen of Blood. I also tracked down some cheeseball Roger Corman cheapies and a proper (and nice) 1080p transfer of Night of the Living Dead (which, if you have the bandwith, can be streamed here).

I've also begun piecing together a trailer reel for Summer Fest, provided there is one**. If it happens, this should be a good one - not just movie-wise, but in what I'll be able to offer as in-between entertainment (not just Dr. Re-Animator this time!)


That's all for today; I'll be back tomorrow with a Trailer Sunday and hopefully back to normal with reviews coming soon. Until then!

* I'm really hoping that if you're looking at this in the future, you'll say "what went daffy with it - I see it right below this post?" but for now that's not the case, and I don't live in the future yet, I am merely becoming a part of the future.
** For reasons I can't get into now, I might simply be unable to find the time. Priorities, you see.

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