Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Video Daily Double: The Musical!

 Greetings, automobile fanatics! The Cap'n is back with another Video Daily Double for your educational joy! We're going to wrap up our "car coverage" of industrial sales films this week, and if you thought last week's "A Touch of Magic" was wild, wait till you see today's Chevrolet sales film!

 I can't wait any longer, on to the films! Buy cars!!!


Our first film, Gasoline for Everybody, is brought to you by the Ethyl Corporation, and explains how gasoline gets to you so that you can fill your tank. And you should, because driving is important!

Our second film is a Chevrolet Sales Convention Musical. I can't make this kind of stuff up, even if I tried. Just watch it.

Makes you want to get out there and buy a Chevrolet, doesn't it? Yes it does!

 We'll be back next week with more sales films, but not cars. Maybe we'll revisit automobiles later this summer...

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