Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Hard Cup of Video Daily Double

 Greetings, readers! The Cap'n welcomes you back to another edition of our summer sales fun Video Daily Double! Today we're looking at two short films designed to influence people into buying things they probably don't need. Our first film uses the proverbial "cup of joe" as a way to trick John and Jane Q. Public into hearing an insurance pitch (trust no one!), and the second is selling you something you never knew you needed... because you didn't.

 Buy... or sell?


 Our first film, Another Cup of Coffee, is designed for Prudential salesmen to find ways to trick us into hearing their spiel about insurance. If it sounds boring, don't worry: the way they opt to tell our protagonist is up there with A Case of Spring Fever...

 Our second film, Soft as a Cloud, is designed to sell Soft Water filters to families that already have them. No, really - watch for yourself.

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