Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drugs, War, and Video Daily Doubles

 Hello again, Educationeers! Cap'n Howdy is back with another fantabulous Video Daily Double. Today I thought I'd return to two of our favorite kinds of propaganda films: War and Drugs. There's nothing like being told about what marijuana does to impressionable squares in the 1950s or being schooled on "German History" by the American War Department. How would you know what drugs not to do and who to hate without these films?

 Set your phasers to Learn!


 Our first film, The Terrible Truth, is another one of those "gateway drug" propaganda films to keep kids off of the grass. You see, not only does pot lead to other drugs, but it's also "jive talk" for marijuana. Oh, just watch it. You'll laugh, and don't even have to be stoned to enjoy it.

 Our second film, Your Job in Germany, may have been directed by Frank Capra and written by Dr. Seuss, but it's the title card over the Liberty Bell I want you to pay special attention to. Maybe it's just me, but it sure seems like they want you to remember the phrase "Liberty of the Ass." Could just be me, but you take a look.

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