Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good Pen Pals Like Today's Video Daily Double!

 Salutations, my Educationeer compatriots! Your Cap'n returns for another splendid and informative Video Daily Double. As I surmise, many of you have experienced the jubilant and enriching practice known as composing letters to your "pen pal." They abide in distant locales, breathe unique air, and regale you with exploits heretofore unknown to you. In return, you must be expected to share your idiosyncratic outlook on the world, and this is where yours truly comes to the rescue. Presented for you enrichment are two cinematic features designed to improve your penmanship and embolden your utilization of our fine language.



 Our first short subject, Writing Better Social Letters, ought to bolster your communication skills and keep that "pen pal" of yours anticipating the latest correspondence.

 Our second film, Build Your Vocabulary, will make your speak better. Your write, to.

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