Friday, October 26, 2007

Horror Fest Day One: Invader Zim and Night of the Lepus

After Dead and Buried ended, we decided to watch the "Move Your Dead Bones" video some more (a recurring motif of the night) and then popped in an Invader Zim episode I wanted to watch last year, "Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom", which is all about Dib and Zim being sucked into an alternate universe based on Dib's imagination. Much amusement was had, and then we decided to watch Black Sheep.

Or, we were, and then our Night of the Lepus people came over, so that took center stage.

I can't really sum the movie up any better than I did two years ago, so here it is:

"Boy oh boy, Night of the Lepus is one stupid movie.

Don't get it twisted, I enjoyed it in some ridiculous way, because the premise is brilliant:

"Fed up with the bunnies hopping across their land, a group of ranchers attempt to stunt the rabbits growth with the aid of a cooked up hormone. But instead of shrinking the bunny population, it only makes the animals larger --- 150 pounds larger, to be exact --- with a newfound appetite for human flesh."

Yes, that's right; Giant. Killer. Bunnies.

Well, regular bunnies hopping around minature sets and guys in rabbit suits attacking people. And the kind of fake blood normally reserved for Herschell Gordon Lewis films. I could not stop laughing the first time I saw the glove fall off of one of the bunny suits, because until then the editing was so unclear that I wasn't sure what was happening.

At 88 minutes, this movie is much too long (due mostly to the half baked finale borrowed from The Giant Mantis, or is it The Beginning of the End?) but if you're in dire need of the giggle fits, pop this sucker in and watch the likes of Janet Leigh, DeForest Kelley, and Rory Cochran try to stifle laughter in this very silly movie."

further thoughts: Boy, what a difference watching this with other people makes. Yes, it's every bit as inept, but the running commentary of sleep deprived folk really kicks the unintentional comedy into high gear.

Okay, I'll be right back with some thoughts on Black Sheep.

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