Friday, October 26, 2007

Horror Fest Day One: Sounds Like and Dead & Buried

Peoples have arrived, and right now I'm entertaining them with the "Move Your Dead Bones" techno remix from Beyond Re-Animator, which if you haven't seen... well. Maybe I'll show it to you again.

Brad Anderson, he of Session 9 and The Machinist brought a pretty good Masters of Horror, called Sounds Like. The plot is pretty straight forward, about a guy who does nothing but listen and has a preternatural ability for sound, which of course gets out of control. Since you've probably seen an episode of Buffy just like this, I'll skip the plot specifics and discuss the technical dimension. Anderson, who has a real knack for editing and more subtle camera trickery, really lets the sound take center stage, to an effect you probably will appreciate, considering the familiarity with the story.

Dead & Buried is a favorite of mine, but I'm going to ask Neil to give you his brief thoughts:

I'd never seen Dead & Buried before, and I'm kind of surprised by that, considering how many of the now cliche horror conventions were present. At first I was thinking, "oh, this is where Hot Fuzz" got it from, but no, there was actually a pretty nifty "twist" (in that I figured it out halfway through, rather than right away). Instead, Charlie's (the one with the chocolate factory) grandfather just got creepier and creepier.

So D&B was a pretty decent horror/mystery set in a small town thingy, but that's not what I really want to discuss. I'd love to tell you all about the Beyond Reanimator techno remix (yes, you read correctly) in all it's... well, I don't know the word. Unfortunately, if I described it, you would not believe me. It is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever seen, in too many different ways to count. Josh is playing it right now, and I may just have to claw out my eardrums and eyeballs, but that still won't dislodge it from the deep recesses of my brain. Looks like death is the only way out.

Anyway, I just heard a strange noise coming from downstairs, so I'm going to go investigate. I'll be right back.

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