Sunday, October 25, 2009


I've noticed that it's tricky to vote for some of the polls because of the stupid embedding by Youtube, but I have a reasonable solution for this:

If you scroll down to "Theatres, Audiences, and Horror" and click on the title, it takes you to a separate page where the polls are perfectly accessible. Most of them seem to be tied now, which is not a good thing. Unless you're all willing to stay all day AND all night so we can watch all twelve. I'll do it if you're really down for it.


Liz asked some very good questions in yesterday's post, so I'll attempt to answer them here:

1. If by the "old" version Slither, you mean Night of the Creeps, then yes - provided I can find a copy when it hits dvd and Blu-Ray for the first time on Tuesday. If it's voted in, then we'll watch the "new" version of Slither, simply entitled "Slither", on Saturday.

If you meant this Slither, then no. We will not be watching that.

2. I haven't really decided which version of Drag Me to Hell to show if it wins. I hear the differences are not radical. Apparently the unrated cut has more blood and the cat scene is a little longer during the seance. We'll put it up to a vote on Saturday, provided it makes it through semi-finals voting.

3. This should be sufficiently informative, as details go. You might also want to check my old myspace for the event information, which also has details.

More sufficient technical info goes thusly: every night starts at 6pm.

There are two showings for Zombieland at the Grande: one at 6:35, and one at 9:10. I'd prefer the 6:35, but if most of you have to work, then we'll watch something here and meet there on Thursday night.

If anyone has any other questions or technical concerns, please contact me here or by phone, if you have the Cap'n's number.

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