Saturday, October 31, 2009

Horror Fest IV Day Three: Terrorvision and Blood Car

Instead of recapping two movies I've already talked about, I thought I'd share an essay in photos:

Forgive the poor quality of Terrorvision photos. The pictures come from a VHS copy and there's not much available online. We pick up in the middle of the film, after the alien has consumed Grandpa and two swinging adults!

Swinger's Night Goes Awry.

Pincher to the chest. Works every time!

OD (John Gries) and Suzy (Diane Franklin) are back from... uh, whatever it is they do.

I don't really have a caption for this. I just thought I'd share the color palette of Terrorvision with you.

Medusa has a special message for Sherman.

And here's Medusa taking a hot phone call.

Don't ask what's in the hot tub. You don't want to know. Oh, and Sherman is holding a real machine gun.

Food, glorious food!

The next two are from Blood Car. Both should give you some idea of what kind of movie this is.

I kid you not; he's talking about Tarantulas.

Guess how this ends.

Up next, another photo essay on Night of the Lepus, plus some hot Dr. Re-Animator action!

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