Friday, January 22, 2010

Hey, it's possible!

Greetings folks! The Cap'n is back after doing some more crazy homework related junk with another journey into the supernatural Blogorium.

I thought you might find this image taken at a local Best Buy amusing. What you're looking at is the Super Rare, Hard to Find, One of a Kind Double Priced Special Edition of Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino. What's so special about it, you ask? Does it come with four extra discs with bonus content and a cd of Eastwood growling through the title song?

Perhaps the Blu-Ray disc was dipped in pure platinum, which renders it unplayable but sure looks cool, or maybe Eastwood personally pressed the disc. That has to be it, right?

Nope. The $29.99 price of Gran Torino was magically doubled by Gremlins living inside of the Best Buy pricing gun. That, or what's inside is actually the super secret Blu-Ray of THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER MADE. I'll leave it up to you to decide what that movie is, but the correct answer is Blood Car. For $60 dollars you can have Blood Car on Blu-Ray, disguised as Gran Torino! Fool your friends and confound your enemies!

I'm such a mean prankster...

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