Saturday, January 23, 2010

I already wear glasses!

Oy vey. I know I said this some time last September, but can we please stop with the "everything coming out in 2010 and 2011 be in 3-D" craze? The latest rumor is that Ghostbusters 3 obviously needs to be in 3-D, because that's what we need more than just a third Ghostbusters movie. It's silly enough that Tron: Legacy is in 3-D, but Disney seems to be doing that with any movie they can get into theatres as is (seriously, isn't The Tooth Fairy going to be in 3-D, or just in "Suck-o-Vision"?).

Now, I realize that Avatar is still the greatest movie ever made yadda yadda*, and 3-D seems to be a part of that. The remake craze is a clear indicator that Hollywood does not learn from its own history, so gimmicks like the "third dimension" are destined to live their silly little lives out again on multiplexes, until people get bored again and the next shiny bauble comes their way. The 3-D craze lasted exactly two days during Summer Fest, and I don't feel a twinge of regret about it here at Blogorium Central.

I just hope that in the meantime the Cap'n can watch Ghostbusters 3 in two dimensions, like the luddite I so clearly am.


The Cap'n is a copy of The Hudsucker Proxy away from having a complete Coen Brothers collection. When A Serious Man comes out, I will be totally complete until True Grit or other Coen Brothers movies on Blu-Ray. But for now, I'm pretty good on that.

Because I haven't used the tag in such a long time, allow me to mention that Bruce Campbell is in The Hudsucker Proxy. Bruce is also apparently making Bruce Vs. Frankenstein, the sequel to My Name is Bruce. Regular readers are aware that despite my great admiration for Bruce Campbell, I was not overwhelmed by MNIB, but I'd like to keep an open mind about the sequel. The title sure sounds fun.


There's a dubious looking dvd for Michael Jackson's Moonwalker on Amazon, but if you've been looking for a copy of it for whatever reason (say, punishing someone on their birthday), there it is. If I had to guess, it probably comes from a VHS copy and has tons of subtitle options from Asian countries (zoom in on the cover if you doubt me). I've seen my share of bootlegged dvds from China and Japan, either at Ed McKay's or when Barrett would get a "great deal" on Amazon. I mean, who doesn't want a $15 first season of Six Feet Under that comes in plastic binder sleeves inside of xeroxed cover art?

Sorry, I got off on a bit of a tangent there. If you've somehow never seen or heard of Moonwalker, you ought to check it out. Watch Michael Jackson protect young Sean Lennon and then turn into a Giant Robot to kill Joe Pesci. No, really; that's what happens in Moonwalker.

There was also an awesome game, which now that I look at it again, is kinda creepy.


Finally: sorry about the page layout SNAFU last night. I was trying to stretch the second image a little bit, and clearly it cut off part of the joke. My bad. It's fixed now, so please revisit my failed experiment and chuckle at Adam's misery.

* Some of you are just gnawing at the bit to see me eat crow when it comes out on Blu-Ray and I rent it, but the movie just DOES NOT look that interesting to the Cap'n. It's not like Terminator: Salvation or Halloween II, which look like interesting disasters; there is nothing about Avatar that makes me want to watch the movie, and despite virtually everyone I know telling me how impressive it is, I'm somehow still nonplussed.

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