Thursday, July 29, 2010

News and Notes (or the Cap'n eats some crow...)

At this point, many people have noticed (or pointed out to the Cap'n) that my previous News and Notes Column about Amazon listings of yet-to-be-announced Criterion Blu-Rays is almost totally moot now. At this point, The Thin Red Line, Seven Samurai, and The Darjeeling Limited are all listed on Criterion's website, and I have no reason to doubt that Videodrome and Antichrist will be far behind. I could say that I was simply warning people against pre-ordering until an official announcement came, or I could weakly suggest that I discussed this briefly a month ago, but there's no getting around the fact that Amazon was correct in listing the discs and the Cap'n shouldn't have questioned it. Not that they were reading this blog in the first place, but a valuable lesson was learned about opening my big mouth.

In part I bring this up because accountability means almost nothing online, especially in blogs. People say wildly incorrect things or make assertions and then when it turns out not to be true, they simply go along with the correct version and pretend what they said never happened. I mean, who's really going to remember that I said that Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland was "visually arresting" if I now tell them I have no interest in ever watching it again? Because I did say that, and I don't really want to watch it again.

The Cap'n makes a lot of claims online that I don't always stick to. I always told you I wouldn't see Shit Coffin or Shit Coffin 2, and yet those are clearly links to reviews of Friday the 13th (2009) and A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010). I also said I wouldn't watch Rob Zombie's Halloween and that I had a marginal interest in Halloween 2 but I also watched both of them. Now, I could provide the caveat that I waited until I could watch each of them with no cost to the Cap'n, but let's face it, I said I didn't want to see them and I did. It doesn't even matter that I hated the first three because I saw them anyway. So I can't really argue when people expect me to go watch horrible movies I genuinely don't want to see. Well, that and I dragged many of the people who say that to their share of awful films / Horror Fests.

So I'm not perfect, but the Cap'n will try whenever possible to own up to semi-hypocritical statements made on this blog. And I won't watch a Twilight movie. Trust me, I've had plenty of opportunities where no cost would be incurred on my part and I still said "no thanks." There's absolutely no curiosity on my part towards those films. So look forward to me eating those words in six months*.


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