Friday, July 9, 2010

The Slacktastical Slackventures of Cap'n Howdy!

Greetings, folks. Sorry for the intermittent lack of updates here at the Blogorium. Things have really been ramping up on the moving front, so the Cap'n hasn't had much time to sit down and do updates. I am trying to write a handful of reviews (there are around 12) so that there's something to read while I'm on the road next week.

If time permits, there's a strong chance I'm going to be dragged to see Predators (whether I want to or not) tonight, so if that happens, the Cap'n will put up a review. Otherwise, it might get periodically quiet over the next day or three until I can get all my ducks in a row and put up new reviews. In the meantime, I'll see if I can rustle up some long forgotten reviews from the Vaults for you.

Thanks for reading and I hope to have plenty to share with you in the near future!

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