Monday, July 5, 2010

Summerfest 3 Wrap Up: Yearbook Edition!

This year, the Cap'n is afraid to say I took less pictures, but what I did do was make sure that the nights (except Thursday) had a group photo, which I'll share with you as a way of wrapping up the fest.

The Thursday Night Summerfest Groovie Ghoulies were: Phillippi, Englund, Chris, Riannon, Domenic, and Nathan (all pictured on other days, so not a total loss photographically)

Friday Night's Summerfest Groovie Ghoulies:

(seated: Cranpire, Tom, Riannon, Alicia. standing: Phillippi, Barrett, Domenic, Rebecca, Chris, Nathan)

Stairway photo designed to evoke the first Summerfest.

Saturday Night's Summerfest Groovie Ghoulies:

(row one: Tom, Chris, Liz, Englund. row two: Riannon, Andy, Randy. row three: Domenic, Alicia. back row: Ben, Andrea, Cranpire, Nathan.)

Sunday Night's Bonus Film Summerfest Groovie Ghoulies:

(from left to right: Ben, Andrea, Neil, Nathan.)

and now a handful of other random photos, alternate shots, and moments that bear sharing:

Nathan, the new Jonas Brothers King.

Domenic attempts to take a group photo, Facebook style. We ended up with this.

How to move your dead bones en Espanol.

The Cranpire and the Doctor engaging in the mortal enemy of the Cap'n: the smoke break.

Thank you, Netflix "Watch It Now." Thank you.

Good times outside.

Finally, two alternate takes of the stair picture:

I had the flash on by accident, losing the red light, but I like it in its own way.

Still shot from a video I took of the stairwell. If the video wasn't sideways, I'd post that too.

Thanks to all of the Summerfest Groovie Ghoulies that helped make this year's fest my favorite yet! The Cap'n might take a day off but will return this week with more insight and foolishness, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. You sir know how to put on a Horror/Summer Fest. I have always had a blast when I came. I just wrote came and blast in the same sentence. But, Alas I am sad to say that I attended the Last Fest for the foreseeable future. I know you work hard on these (NUTS) every time a fest happens. Signed, Me Bender
