Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cleaner Living Through Bowling (and not Pornography) and the Video Daily Double!

 Greetings, educationeers! Let's see a show of hands: how many of you like bowling? And how many of you like pornography. Ew... put those hands down. Clearly your internet habits trouble me, educationeers. Cap'n Howdy needs to take advantage of his bully pulpit Video Daily Double to fix this *ahem* problem.

 Hands where I can see them for the next hour!


 Our first film, Perversion for Profit, ought to clear your mind of any thoughts about porn being "cool" or "sexy." Feel gross afterward, as you should! Shame!

 Our second film, Let's Go Bowling, is a great alternative to spanking the proverbial monkey. Don't you like The Big Lebowski? They go bowling. So should you*.

* But none of that White Russian drinking or pot smoking. That's why The Dude's life was ruined by - say it with me - Pornographers!

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